TUE., SEPT. 5, 2006

This week the Chronicle will be celebrating its 25th anniversary with the opening of a retrospective photographic exhibit at the Austin Museum of Art. This may come as a surprise to some. The Chronicle isn’t exactly Life magazine. In comparison to other alt weeklies around the country, our editorial space is decidedly text heavy. A picture may say a thousand words, but the Chronicle has always been of the opinion that you can fit 2000 words in the same space – maybe more if you use a small enough font. On the plus side, Chronicle readers have been spared, for the most part, from seeing the print journalistic equivalent of the squirrel-on-water-skis video. On the minus side, reading three or four solid pages of even the most riveting copy in six-point type can give anyone a migraine, present text included. Sometimes the Chroniclelooks as if it’s been formatted to fit on the head of a pin. White space? White space is what happens when the printer runs out of ink. Even still, occasionally amongst this dense, baroque tangle of text appear some exceptional photographs, and over 25 years those photographs can add up to an impressive collection. If you’re one of those pictures-more-than-words types, it’s unlikely you’re reading this screed anyway, but if per chance you’re stuck in a waiting room, on a desert island, or on a toilet seat and finally made your way to the meat of this essay, here’s some happy news: This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 5-7:30pm, the Chronicle is hosting happy hour receptions at the Austin Museum of Art to kick off our 25th anniversary photographic exhibit. For the price of parking (or free, if you’re hoofing it) you can drink and nosh on the Chronicle‘s dime and check out hundreds of photographs from last 25 years of the Chronicle – the people places and things that helped make Austin the unique community it is. Each night offers something different: Friday you can enjoy Curra’s Mexican and Cazadores margaritas, Saturday is Shiner and food from 519 West, and Sunday is Central Market and Fisheye Wine. Even if you don’t get there for the grub, the exhibit runs through the 24th, and you’re unlikely to see this many Chronicle photos in one place for a long time.